Tshitshi Madabe, Zimbabwe

Project sponsorships from PM International

Icon water

65 % of families do not have access to clean water *

Icon sanitary

60 % of families are not able to use sanitary facilities *

Icon children

Many children die before the age of 5 *

*The figures refer to the start of the project in 2019.


The project is located in one of the driest and hottest regions of Zimbabwe. Because only 35 % of families have access to clean water and only 40 % can use sanitary facilities, infections and life-threatening diarrheal diseases are spreading. Many children die before their fifth birthday. Climate change is manifesting itself in alternating periods of drought and continuous rain, preventing sustainable agriculture. Almost half of the families in Tshitshi Madabe cannot feed their children adequately and live in poverty. With the support of the sponsors, we want to improve the living conditions of the children and families, especially in the areas of agriculture and nutrition, water and hygiene, and child protection and rights.

Focus of our work

Project sponsorship Tshitshi Madabe

Agriculture & Nutrition

In this extremely dry region of Zimbabwe, farmers are harvesting far too little. Climate change-induced and persistent droughts and continuous rains cause harvest losses. Thus, the children here constantly suffer from hunger and many of them are malnourished.

How World Vision helps

  • Training of small farmers on environmentally friendly and efficient cultivation and storage
  • Use of climatically adapted seeds and vegetables
  • Establishment and promotion of animal breeding for better nutrition
  • Training of mothers in healthy nutrition
Project sponsorship Tshitshi Madabe

Water & Hygiene

Families have to cover long distances to access water. They often use polluted water, which makes them sick. Since there are only few latrines, infectious diseases spread quickly. Especially small children suffer from diarrhea.

How World Vision helps

  • Construction of new wells and restoration of water collection points
  • Supporting families with the construction of latrines
  • Hygiene training for families
  • Empowerment of local government to support families with wells and latrines
Project sponsorship Tshitshi Madabe

Child Protection & Rights

Many parents are unable to ensure the healthy physical and emotional development of their children and protect them for example from violence and abuse. World Vision encourages families and guardians to protect children's rights.

How World Vision helps

  • Supporting birth registration for easier access to education
  • Encourage children to report violations of their rights
  • Training families on parenting practices and children's rights
  • Students learn to advocate for their own rights in children's clubs

How we work

Projekt Tshitshi Madabe
Projekt Tshitshi Madabe
Projekt Tshitshi Madabe

World Vision has gained important experience over the years. We know that our work can only be successful if we closely involve the children and families in our projects in all processes. Together we decide at the beginning of a project: What are the biggest problems in the area? In which areas do we start? Decisions are made by a committee consisting of elected representatives of the community, World Vision staff and other local partners. Over time, families take on more and more responsibility so that one day – usually after about 15 years – they will be able to continue developing their area without World Vision. To achieve this, we teach people how to successfully advocate for their children's rights with authorities and claim government support.

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Vor Ort aktiv seit 1986.

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Das ist mein Patenkind Praise

Sie ist sieben Jahre alt und geht sehr gerne zur Schule. Früher war daran nicht zu denken.